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Friday 15th April. Lipstick and cossies

A long awaited swim with Annette!

We both got Covid the same week we’d planned a swim, but today we made it happen! We swam from Ashness. Beautiful view. Still water. Glamorous Annette, who is celebrating her 70th year by swimming in 70 different places with 70 different people. Before we got in Annette was telling me about tragedy that has hit their small group of regular swimmers and how yesterday she swam at 5.30am to mark the first anniversary. The moon was still up.

That in mind, there was a feeling of sadness in the water but Annette assured me it’s where her friend would’ve wanted everyone to be: in the water. In this place.

Like so many swimmers I’ve met the last few weeks, Annette did a ‘Suzanna Swims’ course to help get her confidence up in the water, telling me that she started in a wetsuit, didn’t like it and Suzanna advised taking it off in the water, and Annette much preferred her swimming after that.

Annette made homemade cake for us and was looking forward to her evening in the theatre, along with the post-show discussion with the very Suzanna Cruikshank herself.

Was grateful to have been one of Annette’s 70 swimmers, and obviously always grateful for the continued support of the show.

Yet another wonderful woman to swim with.


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